Rural Jack's
Rural Jack's is a proud supplier of Quality approved pasture seed
As a agricultural contractor, we stock a variety of lawn and pasture seeds generally available and custom orders can be processed in a reasonable time frame. For any queries and special orders, please feel free to call and discuss!
Other varieties (not shown below) might be in stock or could be ordered, include but is not limited to:
Aerial and Subterranean Clovers, Rhodes, Green manure Mix, Maximix, Fescues, Vetch, Cow-peas, Serradella, Radish, Sorghum, Chicory, Medic
Alfalfa or Lucerne
Increased winter activity together with a higher leave to stem ratio, increased disease resistance and extreme drought tolerance makes Aplha1 a preferred variety under many conditions
Horse pasture mix
Equi1st is a carefully selected pasture mix for our very special equine friends offering lush pasture with Lower sugars and starch and moderate protein
Kikuyu Lawn Seed
Easy establishing, hardy and medium textured leaves makes this a excellent choice for a hard wearing lawn that is drought tolerant and can handle traffic
Souwest Pasture Mix
A versatile mix ideal for SouthWest WA. Includes early, mid and late maturing Ryegrasses and Clovers. It can be used for grazing, hay and seetset for following years
Green Manure Mix
Quick growing mix, needs to be dug back into the soil to add nutrients, Improve soil quality and reduce cereal crop diseases
Maxi Mix
Quick growing mix, needs to be dug back into the soil to add nutrients, Improve soil quality and reduce cereal crop diseases
Speedie Couch
Quick spreading, drought tolerant & excellent self repair qualities for use on sports fields, lawn & Pasture cover